Finding Real Love 4U

Finding Real Love 4U


Stephen Chbosky, said in his book The Perks of Being a Wallflower “We accept the love we think we deserve.” So this is why we have to work on what we think we deserve…

In our last Sunday Seminar on December 3, 2017 – 10am-12pm in Long Beach California you’ll dive into the powerful experience of Real Love that overcomes all.

Then we’ll find out about all the hidden dynamics that can make you feel undeserving without even knowing it.

More Info:

If you want to come call us 1 (800) 790-6140

Love & Blessings
Team Willow4U


#TrueLove #EmotionalFreedom #SelfLove #Joy #Growth #PersonalDevelopment #Life #Classes


The Right Place, At The Right Time

The Right Place, At The Right Time

Letter To Rita From Katherine Fisher Owner Of The Hawaii Health Guide.


Aloha Rita,

Still enjoying the afterglow from The Health and Happiness Workshop (Now called Mystical Willow Training)…

The course offered concise and efficient practical methods to quickly personally bring conscious awareness and restore balance to a person’s life.

Hands-On Practice Of Condensed Healing Modalities And Techniques
The way you consolidated useful tool sets of kinesiology diagnosis, meridian (emotional) release and replacement techniques and family constellation work are invaluable additions to any health practitioner or person interested in personal growth.

The class more then met my expectations.

What I wasn’t expecting was the immediate result of unleashing a delicious juicy well of creativity! It has been a great joy to experience the ongoing synchronicity of being in the right place at the right timeand dwelling and playing right at the edge of creative potential: where idea becomes matter, intention is navigation, and the resulting reflection offers constant insights into where and how we truly create the ultimate art that is our own lives.

I highly recommend this class for artists, writers, musicians and people wanting to re-kindle the creative fires or experience greater capacity for joy in their lives.

Many thanks.
Look forward to your return…

Katherine Fisher
The Hawaii Health Guide

Finding Your Clarity

Finding Your Clarity

Whether you’re suffering in a bad relationship, have a roadblock in your career, or simply feel dissatisfied with some aspect of your life, The Willow System has resources to help you get your life back on track.

The best teachers

“My highest motivation is finding the truth underneath the surface, because the truth frees and heals us on the deepest level. It’s nothing to be afraid of, it’s the essence of inner calmness and ease.” -Rita Harrison

Now is the perfect time to make a change for the better.

  • Completely without cost or obligation
  • Risk-free

Take that first step toward…

  • new ways to explore the possibility of change
  • finding clarity around emotional issues
  • releasing tensions that keep you limited
  • accessing your capacity for bidirectional growth
  • implementing lasting, positive change
  • harnessing your own inner resources
  • maximizing your fullest potential

Contact us today, and let The Willow System help you take a step in the right direction.

What would you need to put your best foot forward and move on if you were stuck in a rut and couldn’t get out?

Going Thinkabout Reviewed

Going Thinkabout Reviewed

Let’s Go Thinkabout by Rita Harrison.

A book review from The Fat Harry

This is the strangest book I’ve ever read, because most of the words come out of my head. They radiate from my mind like the beam of a lighthouse on a stormy, windswept night, showing me the jagged rocks of my discontent.

Believe me, I’ve read books before on being a better person and all of them have screamed at me their preformed thoughts and ideas that had nothing to do with my life, or how I live.

I resented them immediately; life is hard enough when you have to daily bend your ideas to whichever group conscious you’re desperately clinging to at the time in order to belong.

Anyway I already have a network of parents and peers, friends and family, TV, radio and newspapers that are all too willing to tell me what my opinions are.

Imagine how freeing it is to read a book of this genre that asks you questions, where your answers can’t be wrong.

This is a book that clearly excepts the fact that no one on earth knows you better than yourself, that understands that you have only given prize certain parts of your life to others, depending on the level of trust you have for them at any given moment in time and respects that there are dark and frightening parts of your mind that will never, ever be revisited.

I’ve checked out Rita Harrison and her integrative freedom systems mentoring on her website. She believes like the teachings of Yoga that the road to enlightenment takes time, but each new idea changes you permanently from the inside out.

Her book has a simple principle, it asks you to answer one of its 366 questions once a day with something taken from your life experience. In principal she’s asking you to think. Now how exquisite is that?

You’re not told to run to a mountaintop and shout your answers for all to hear. Oh no, you’re encouraged to keep them to yourself. I like this idea, as no one will ever be able to judge me. It’s like having a secret that doesn’t riddle you with guilt, but builds you up and fills you with pride.

I’ve got the book on my phone, so I can review the questions and my answers anytime and anywhere, this is how it works best for me, but you’ll find your own way, I’m absolutely sure!

This book can be Downloaded for Kindel by Amazon or as Ebook from Willow4U for $9.95

For more details Email: or call 1.800.790.6140

Making Willow4U

by: Paul E. Harrison
The man formerly known as The Fat Harry

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